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`digital immersive / words

Personal Profile

As a writer, I have discovered a range of variables to my approach to life and art. It has assisted in the development of the adult, and the individual. As an early writer of poetry in circumstances which stifled the younger me, I discovered this route to escape and wonder where only I could travel.

We have created some longevity with the projects we have facilitated, the young people have continued with their chosen topic and have learnt other skills such as blogging giving them a platform to present their creative outlet

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Working with writing is a valuable experience and helps with creating...

Writing is something we all should do, it flushes the mind of all the garbage we take in. There is comfort in writing and solace in the feeling of something that is read from the page and brought into the open, therapy uses the device of verbalising the emotions you are struggling with. Then writing and reading aloud your thoughts is surely the cheapest way to administer good health to our well being...

We write or speak to communicate and in this way find ways and means of growing and building an understanding of the world around us.


Being alone

Being young is no fun at all,
Everyone tells me what to do, every call.
They think they know best because I’m small,
But I’ve got my own dreams—I’m more than their walls.

Being young feels like nothing at all,
Stuck in a world where I just play ball.
Games and toys fill the time and space,
But I’m searching for more in this endless race.

Being young won’t last for long,
One day I’ll grow, and I’ll be strong.
I’ll make my own choices, find my own way,
And no one will tell me what to do or say.

Being young is being alone,
In a crowd of voices, but none of my own.
But this won’t be forever, I’ll wait and see,
Because one day, the world will hear me.



Being fat is not much fun at all, i cannot run or climb a wallBeing fat is not much of a laugh, cause people only laugh cause i"m fatBeing fat is not for long, cause i'm going to over come it and try to be strongBeing Fat - video diary by Claire...Wigan.  "Being fat is not much fun at all,
I can’t run or climb a wall, It feels like the world is moving fast, While I’m stuck here, hoping this won’t last. Being fat is not much of a laugh,
People snicker behind my back—on my behalf,  They laugh not with me, but because I’m fat,  And that kind of joke? I’m done with that.  Being fat isn’t who I’m meant to be,  There’s more inside me waiting to be free.
I’ll overcome this weight I bear, I’ll fight it off, with courage and care.

Being fat won’t be my story for long, I’m writing a new one, where I’m strong."

Crafting Dreams

Being in care and away from family can be challenging, but at DigitalimmersiveCiC, we turn challenges into opportunities. Our team of creative minds thrives on imagination and innovation, crafting dreams into reality. We understand what it feels like to be away from home, and that's why we create a supportive and inspiring environment. Together, we survive and thrive, pushing boundaries and creating immersive experiences that captivate audiences. Join us on this journey of creativity and transformation.

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